It begins with three (3) letters followed by nine (9) numeric digits.
Examples of styles / formats of serial numbers found: Style 1: GBB030708229 Style 2: F3891 4228 Style 1: GBB030708229 Description: Serial number with twelve (12) characters. iMac and iMac Proįull versions of the Apple computer also have the serial number on their chassis. Nordyne Serial Number The manufacturing date or age of Nordyne HVAC devices can be determined from the serial number on the nameplate. We heat, cool and condition the air in manufactured homes, million-dollar mansions and massive commercial structures. A legend will appear in which, in addition to saying the famous “Designed by Apple in California”, you will be able to find what is the identification code of the Mac. At Nortek Global HVAC, we manufacture heating and air systems for just about every application you can imagine. In any of the versions of Apple notebooks, regardless of the year of this, you can locate the serial number at the bottom of this. If you don’t have the box either or the serial number has been erased, you can see the number printed on the Mac’s chassis.
Keep in mind that if they have had to give you a replacement kit, the serial number will no longer match, unless they gave you the original box of this one. Find more compatible user manuals for your Nordyne CMF2 80-PG Convertible Gas Heater device. Since Goodman purchased Amana in the nineties, the same methods for decoding serial numbers can be applied to both brands.
#Nordyne serial number nomenclature for free
It usually appears on a sticker at the bottom of the sticker, along with other information such as computer components. Download Nordyne CMF2 80-PG Convertible Manual (Total Pages: 28) for free in PDF. The serial number is critical for determining a units precise age and date of manufacture, something the model number will only hint at. If for any reason you cannot access the Mac operating system, but you need the information of its serial number, you can easily find it in its original box.